Fighting the Indians in 1855
at Connell's Prairie Road near Buckley
for Lt. James McAllister
and farmer Michael Connell killed
here October 27, 1855..
Also in this vicinity seven
white men on their way from Camp Naches to
Fort Steilacoom were ambushed by Indians
October 31, 1855 Two of those killed
were Colonel A. Benton
Moses and Lt. Colonel Joseph Miles.
of the Pacific Northwest - Oregon and
Volume I - 1889
Page 540
Before passing to the narrative of events, a
recurrence to the condition of the territory
becomes interesting. The hitherto uniform
and peaceful character of the Indians, the
contempt or pity indulged the fact that they had
so recently and so cordially entered into the
treaties, ceding their title to the lands with
the accompanying pledge that they would live in
friendship with the Whites, had created the
feeling of perfect security in our recognized
superiority; and the idea was contemplated that
there could by any possibility be any cause of
dread or apprehension from such an enemy. The
territory was illy supplied with arms and
ammunition. The necessary supplies to maintain
either offensive or defensive war were almost
entirely lacking. Such weapons as had been in
the country had been carried off by the miners;
and, without a thought that they would be so
soon required, but few had refurnished
themselves. On hearing the news from the Yakima
county, on being apprised of the real danger
which surrounded the settlements, and in fact
within our very midst, the reaction at once
carried the people to the other extreme; - the
situation amounted almost to a "stampede." Too
late to prevent its first unfortunate
consequences, the fact was apparent that an
Indian war existed; that we had to combat an
enemy whose power to inflict injury was not to
be despised, who had to be chastised, who had to
be taught submission.
The company of volunteers enrolled at Olympia,
in response to Governor Mason's proclamation
(Company A), elected Gilmore Hays, Captain,
Jared S. Hurd, First Lieutenant, and William
Martin, second Lieutenant. That company reported
to Captain Maurice Maloney, Fourth Infantry,
U.S. Army, in command at Fort Steilacoom, on
Saturday, October 20th. On Sunday, the
twenty-first, Company A, Washington Territory
Volunteers, started for the Yakima country via
the Naches Pass. Lieutenant Slaughter, Captain
of Eaton's Company of Rangers with forty United
States regulars, was encamped on White river
prairie where, upon the twenty-first, he had
been joined by Captain Maloney with seventy-five
United States infantry. They remained there
until the twenty-fourth, at which time, captain
Hay's company of volunteers having come up, the
expedition, under command of Captain Maloney,
U.S. Army, marched to the Naches river, which
they reached on the 28th of October. At that
point, captain Maloney remained to recruit the
animals. He sent in an express to Lieutenant
Nugen, U.S. Army, in command at Fort Steilacoom,
that the delay in the march of the troops from
Fort Vancouver, the reliably reported heavy
force of the hostile Indians in front, the
alarming character of the reports in the rear as
to the disaffection of the Puget Sound Indians,
and the actual outbreak of many since the troops
had left Fort Steilacoom, had occasioned him
(Captain Maloney) to determine upon returning
with his command to the west of the mountains to
protect the Puget Sound settlements. The
express party to Lieutenant Nugen consisted of
A. Benton Moses, Joseph Miles, George R.
Bright, Dr. Matthew P. Burns, Antonio B.
Rabbeson and William Tidd. On Wednesday, October
31st, the party were fired upon from an ambush
near White river; and Messrs. Moses and Miles
were instantly killed. Upon the recovery of
their bodies they were found shockingly
mutilated. After severe suffering and hardships,
the surviving members of the party succeeded in
reaching the settlements.
Equal promptness had been displayed in raising
the second company of volunteers, ordered by
Acting Governor Mason's proclamation to report
to Major Rains, U.S. Army, at Fort Vancouver.
That company (Company B) elected William Strong
(late Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of
Oregon), captain. A company of volunteers,
commanded by Captain Robert Newell, consisting
of trappers and others well acquainted with the
country, had been raised about the same time for
scouting purposes in the vicinity of Fort
Vancouver, and had been accepted into the
service of the United States. Upon the
withdrawal of the troops from Fort Vancouver,
the citizens organized a company of fifty men at
Vancouver for home defense, of which William
Kelly was elected captain.
The threatening condition of affairs on Puget
Sound foreshadowed by Captain Maloney's dispatch
to Lieutenant Nugen had been full realized. No
sooner had the force under Captain Maloney left
Fort Steilacoom for the Yakima country, than the
Indians west of the mountains evinced
unmistakable evidence that they were
disaffected, that they were well apprised of the
movements of the hostile Yakimas, and in close
communication with them. those facts prompted
Acting Governor Mason, on the 19th of October,
to authorize Captain Charles H. Eaton to raise a
company of rangers. The conduct of Leschi and
Quiemuth and their bands of disaffected
Nisquallys had rendered necessary such action.
The company was fully organized (forty-one
strong), elected him captain, James
McAllister, James Tullis and Alonzo M. Poe
lieutenants, and took the field on the 24th of
October. Captain Eaton had come to Oregon in
1843, and was thoroughly acquainted with the
country and with the Indians. No wiser
selection, considering the peculiar duties
imposed, could have been made. James
McAllister, First Lieutenant, was an old
citizen and pioneer of Thurston county (1844).
Captain Eaton was instructed to divide his
company into three parties and scour the whole
country along the western base of the Cascade
Mountains between the Snoqualmie Pass and the
Lewis River Pass of the Cascades, and intercept
communication between the Indians west of the
Cascades and the Indians east. He was especially
enjoined to notify all Indians found upon the
line of march to remove west to the shores of
Puget Sound; and upon their willingness or
refusal so to remove was to be determined their
friendly or hostile disposition.
On the 28th of October, Captain Eaton having
received news that Leschi, with a large party of
Indians, were fishing twelve miles distant on
the White river, at the crossing by the military
road from Fort Steilacoom to Fort Walla Walla,
Lieutenant James McAllister applied for
permission to make a friendly visit to them,
which was granted. He was accompanied by Mr.
Connell and two friendly Indians. The whole
party were treacherously killed by a band of the
hostiles led by Quiemuth long before reaching
Leschi's camp. About an hour after Lieutenant
McAllister had left camp, Captain Eaton,
accompanied by James W. Wiley , made a
reconnaissance of a slough lying ahead about
three-quarters of a mile, which had been passed
to White river. Upon returning, and before they
had reached the house which his small command
(now reduced to eleven) occupied, several shots
had been fired by the hostiles. Captain Eaton at
once abandoned the house (that of Charles Baden,
and built of thin cedar boards), and fell back
to an Indian log cabin, in which had been stored
a quantity of oats, wheat, peas, salmon skins
and berries. A log Indian barn looking to the
eastward was demolished to insure safety; and
the cabin was additionally fortified, as far as
practicable. The baggage was transferred from
Baden's house. The horses were picketed about
two hundred yards to the northward of the cabin,
and a water cask brought from the house and
filled. At sundown the Indians attacked the
cabin in force, and kept up a constant fire
until after two o'clock, and at intervals
thereafter during the remainder of the night.
The horses of the command were all stolen by the
Indians. On the next morning, Captain Eaton
strengthened his position. At eleven o'clock, an
express from Fort Steilacoom, to Captain
Maloney's camp, three in number, came into the
fortification. Eaton's gallant little band
maintained their position for one hundred and
one hours without losing a man, and then
effected their escape to Steilacoom. It is not
known what was the loss of the enemy.
Indian testimony, however, has fixed the number
of Indians killed at seven. |
McAllister, Michael Connell and
the Start of the Indian War
Submitted by Gary
From usgennet.org
Nisqually Bottoms, Washington Territory.
16 October 1855
To Superintendent of Indian Affairs,
Washington Territory.
Dear Sir: From the most reliable Indians
that we have in this country, we have
information and are satisfied that Leschi, a
sub-chief and half Clickitat is and has been
doing all that he could possibly do to unite the
Indians of this country to raise against the
whites in a hostile manner and has had some join
in with him already.
Sir, I am of the opinion that he should be
attended to as soon as convenient for fear that
he might do something bad. Let his
arrangements be stopped at once.
Your attention to the above will be exceedingly
appreciated by the people of Nisqually
Bottoms. For further information, call,
and I am at your service.
Clarence Bagley, History of King County.
Chicago: S.J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1929 p.
(Some) temporary successes led those narrow
visioned Red Men to believe that the time was
ripe for making a clean-up of white settlements
and ridding their illahee of the avaricious and
obnoxious Boston man.
Meanwhile the few scattered settlers on the
White River and contiguous territory were living
quietly without a thought that trouble was
brewing or danger impending. They were doomed to
a sad awakening.
The trouble was precipitated by the organization
of what was known as the Eaton Rangers, a
company organized with Charles Eaton as captain,
and James McAllister as lieutenant. This
company, nineteen strong, started with
instructions to apprehend Leschi and his
brother, Quiemuth, at their home and bring them
to Olympia to be under government surveillance;
it having been reported that they had been for
some time preparing their band for active
hostilities against the settlements.
The brothers having learned of the purpose for
which the company was organized left (the
Nisqually Valley) hurriedly; Quiemuth leaving
the plow, which he was following in the
unfinished furrow.
Finding the Indians had gone, Captain Eaton
spent a couple of days reconnoitering on the
upper Puyallup, and then sent Lieutenant James
McAllister with a small party to make a
reconnaissance in the vicinity of White River.
McAllister was accompanied by a man named
(Michael) Connell who had a claim on White
River. Both were shot from ambush on the road
leading from the prairie through a swampy tract
with fallen timber and thick underbrush on
either side. This happened on the 27th of
October; and was the first overt act of
hostilities on the west of the Cascade Range.
The following day, October 28, 1855, the Indians
raided the White River settlement, ruthlessly
butchering men, women, and children, nine in
all. Four children were saved from the
slaughter, three from the Jones household who
were taken to Seattle by a friendly Indian, and
placed on board the Decatur for protection; and
one, George King, who was taken by the Indians
and held until the following spring, when he was
delivered to the military authorities at Fort
(The adventures of the Jones children are
reported on pages 165-72 of Clarence Bagley's
book as well as details of the massacre.).
Edward Huggins,
"Letter to Eva Emory Dye, May 27, 1904
regarding James McAllister"
I was well acquainted with James
McAllister. He frequently was at the
fort. He was in appearance, a regular
Missourian, or what I supposed a Missourian to
look like. He was about six feet in
height, rather thin, but muscular.
He was a good hunter, and towards the end of our
wild cattle business, and when cattle became so
wild, that they required to be hunted like deer,
McAllister was paid, by the company five
dollars, for every wild animal he killed, and he
didn't get rich at the business, I assure
Mrs. Hartman was the woman who obtained the
ledger prize for the best story about early
happenings, was one of McAllisters
daughters. He had several other
children. One of the daughters married Joe
Bunting, the man suspected of being at the head
of the party who broke into Governor Stevens'
outer office and killed the brother of Leschi,
Quiemulth, who was supposed to be carefully
guarded by another Missourian, I think.
James McAllister was of limited education,
hardly any, if I be not mistaken. Was a
quiet man, had very little to say upon any
I suppose you saw Mrs. Hartman's (Sarah
McAllister) prize story. I thought it
'twas a wretched effusion, full of untruths and
exaggerations. In it she say's that her
father was made an Indian, and joined in the
councils of the Indians. What gammon! I never
heard of the Nisqually Indians meeting in
About Simmons. I can't add but little to
what I've already said about him. I always
thought 'twas very unfair to give a man, without
any education, position of great trust and grave
importance to the public. He was
superintendent of Indian Affairs at the most
critical period of the early history of this
country, and had to depend entirely upon the
integrity of aids to preform his duties, and
'twas well known that some of his assistants
were men who would bear watching.
One of his principal aids was a man dubbed Major
Goldsboro a brother of the U.S.Admiral of that
name. He was a fine looking man, honest
for all I know to the contrary. He was a
man of superior education. Was on very
friendly terms with the officers at Fort
He left Puget Sound just after the end of the
Indian War of 1855-56, got a place in the
government office in Washington, and, I think,
remained there all his life. At the time
Simmons was at the head of the Indian department
in Washington Territory.
The Indians were receiving very large payments,
annually, always, I think, in goods, and report
said that the Indian Agent made a large income
from commissions paid by parties contracting to
furnish the goods to the department. Of course
don't know anything about this, and can't vouch
for the truth of the report, but 'twas believed
to be true by a large number of
Simmons was another of the McAllister type of
men, large, big boned and strong. He often
came to our fort and always lodged in my cabin,
and I've listened with interest to many a story
told by him of his many adventures. His
lack of education must have been a severe
handicap to him.
Meeker, "James McAllister, " Pioneer
Reminiscences of Puget Sound. Seattle: Lowman
and Hanford, 1903, p. 535-36.
James McAllister was the first to take a claim
away from the prairies near Deschutes. He was,
also, among the first to be killed by the
Indians in the war of 1855-6. With the
consent of the Indians, he took his claim in the
Nisqually bottom, not far from the council
ground of the tribe of that name.
Mrs. Hartman, daughter of James McAllister wrote
several years ago a long article from which are
selected the following paragraphs:
"We had all kinds of game, which was more
plentiful than the tame stack now, fish and
clams, dried and fresh, the Indians shaking us
how to prepare them, but we never succeeded in
learning the art of drying them. We were
successful in drying fruits, the Indians' mode
requiring no sugar.
"For vegetables we had lackamas, speacotes, and
numerous other roots. We children learned
to like the Indian food so well that we thought
we could not exist without it. We kept a
supply as long as we could get it, but I have
not seen any for many years.
"In 1846, mother disliking to stay alone while
father was building, he laughingly told her he
had seen two big stumps side by side, and that
if she would live in them he would take her with
him. Mother told him she would go, so
father scraped out the stumps and made a roof,
and mother moved in with her six children.
"She found it very comfortable, the burnt out
roots making such nice cubbyholes for stowing
away things. Mother continued to live in
her stump house until father built a house, the
work being necessarily slow, for father had but
few tools."
To one familiar with the big cedar stumps of
Nisqually bottom, this charming little story
will not seem improbable.
This home was not far from Nisqually, and one
day Mrs. McAllister went to see Mrs. Huggins,
and at that time gave an account of the
hardships of the trip to the Sound. They
grew short of provisions so that the children
were crying from hunger, somewhere on the
Cowlitz trail, between the Company's store near
the mouth of that stream where Monticello
afterward stood and the Cowlitz
Here Mr. John Work, father of Mrs. Huggins, met
them on his way to Fort Vancouver from Fort
Simpson, away up on the Northwest Coast, where
he had an important post. Mr. Work was a
tender-hearted man and appreciated the pitiful
condition of the poor mother and her
He promptly unloaded his packhorse and gave Mrs.
McAllister all that was left of the plentiful
supply of provisions he had secured at
Nisqually, enough to last them until they
could reach the Company's farm at
This kindness Mrs. McAllister had not forgotten,
and showed much pleasure in telling of it to his
daughter. Somebody put a story afloat a few
years ago that it was the noted Indian Leschi
who had performed this generous deed.
Cordelia Hawk Putvin "About Indians," Stories of
the Pioneers. True stories from members of the
Daughters of the Pioneers of Washington.
Daughters of the Pioneers, 1986, p. 20-22.
My grandfather, James McAllister, my grandmother
Charlotte, and their family, left Kentucky for
Missouri during the latter part of the year
1843, so that they could get an early start for
the Oregon Country in the spring of 1844.
Their daughter became ill during the journey, so
they were happy to reach Whitman's Mission where
the doctor could treat her illness. His
wife, Narcissa, also showed them all possible
But they had planned on going to the Puget Sound
country, so when the girl was well enough to
travel, they and four other families made their
way down the Columbia River as far as Sophies
Island (Washougal), where winter overtook them
and they made camp.
In the spring they continued down the Columbia
as far as the mouth of the Cowlitz River, and
followed that stream north.
While camped along the Cowlitz one day they had
their first encounter with Indians. The
men were all off on a hunting trip, and the
women and children were alone, when a roving
band of Indians came by. Seeing no men
around, they began helping themselves to the
bright colored patchwork quilts and other useful
articles in the camp.
The Indians had nothing but contempt for their
white skinned brothers, thinking them weak and
undernourished. The Indians only turned
pale when they were sick; these people were pale
all the time, therefore they must be a weak,
sickly race. So they were quite surprised
when Charlotte, who came from Kentucky fighting
stock and could not bear to see her hard earned
possessions being carried away, pulled up a tent
pole and laid it about right and left over the
Indians' heads, shoulders and backs until she
put them to flight.
The next day the old chief returned and offered
grandfather $500 for the "white squaw", but
grandfather soon gave him to understand that
white men did not sell their wives.
The great chief Synatco's oldest son, Leschi,
had heard of their coming and met them near
here. He was eager to see the "white
squaws", as there were no other white women in
the territory at this time. There had been
three at Whitman's Mission, and there were four
white women and one colored in their group, only
eight non-Indian women in the whole of
Washington Territory.
Leschi told them they were welcome to make their
homes on any of their tribe's property, which
included most of the Puget Sound area.
After trying a couple of other places, they
finally discovered the Nisqually Valley, and
took out a claim there at the junction of
Skonadaub and Squaquid creeks (later Medicine
and McAllister). The farm was on part of
the Indian Council Grounds, but was gladly
relinquished by them. This place was about
15 miles from where they had been
Grandfather had to stay on the new place while
he cleared the land and prepared to build living
quarters for them. Grandmother did not
like this arrangement in which she had to be
alone so much of the time with several small
children, and she kept after him to find a place
for them to live. Grandfather laughingly
told her he had seen two hollow stumps nearby
that she could move into. She took him
seriously and would not be satisfied until he
had promised to put roofs on them and clean them
This he did, and along with a tent, the family
of eight lived very comfortably until a house
was prepared for them. The land was
cleared and proved to be very fertile;
vegetables grew to a wondrous size, potatoes
weighing eight to ten pounds were not uncommon,
and they could grow three crops of wheat in a
summer. They planted an orchard, and with
all the wild berries in the woods they soon
became quite prosperous.
Grandmother took in three Indian girls to train
as servants, as well as a boy, Clifwhalen.
She found them quick to learn, willing to work,
honest and loyal. So they lived and
prospered among the Indians as brothers for many
years. Then other white people began
moving in who were not friendly with the
Indians, but regarded them as savages rather
than human beings, and treated them as
such. Many incidents happened which made
the Indians unhappy and distrustful of the white
But what finally put the Indians on the warpath
involved the daughter of Synatco. She had
been married to a white soldier in an Indian
ceremony. When he was transferred to
another fort, where he could not take a wife, he
told her that they were not legally married, and
sent her back to her father.
The chief, Synatco, was heartbroken. He
fell to the ground and crept, refusing to walk
upright any more. He howled and howled,
which meant he was debased lower than a
dog. Her brothers also were outraged, and
swore to kill all the white men, except the
older settlers who had joined the tribe.
Synatco now abdicated in favor of his oldest
son, Leschi, and died soon after.
Leschi too had been heartbroken by the treatment
his sister had received. However, he did
not want to declare war against the whites, many
of whom were his friends, so he took some of his
braves and moved up into the mountains, where
they barricaded themselves until the Indians
quieted down. But this time the Indians
did not quiet down. Many hostiles from the
north moved in, and with war paint and much
noise, put on many demonstrations and dances.
Knowing the strong friendship between Leschi and
my grandfather the white people appealed to him
to carry a peace commission to him to
sign. They knew if anyone could reach
Leschi it was grandfather. He was offered
and accepted a commission as First Lieutenant in
the Puget Sound Volunteers, and with a group of
other volunteers and Leschi's brother, Stoki, to
guide them, they started off.
After they had gone, grandmother became uneasy
and sent Clifwhalen, the Indian boy they had
raised, and George, her oldest son, to follow
him. She told Clifwhalen that when they
caught up with him he should stay by his side
night and day, and see that no harm came to
him. Clifwhalen said, "I will follow him
as his shadow and only death will keep me from
it." Grandmother knew that he would keep his
promise, which he did.
When the boys caught up with the party two days
later, and Clifwhalen found that Stoki was their
guide, he tried to warn grandfather that Stoki
was a traitor and would lead them into a
trap. But grandfather had always trusted
the Indians, and thought that Clifwhalen was
mistaken. What did a boy his age know
about these things, anyway!
So that evening they started out to find Leschi
-- grandfather, Lt. Connell, Stoki as guide and
Clifwhalen as servant. The Indians had a clever
way of laying an ambush. They had two
squads of their warriors in the woods beside the
trail about a mile and a half apart. So
grandfather and his group passed the first squad
without any suspicion, only to have the second
squad come running out of the woods shooting,
and with the first party coming up behind, they
hadn't a chance.
Clifwhalen shouted to grandfather to take to the
woods, but apparently he did not hear him, and
he was the first one killed. Clifwhalen
managed to escape with some bullet holes in his
The men left at the camp heard the shooting and
went to investigate only to be met by the
Indians, but managed to get back to their camp
with only one loss. George was sent back
to the fort to warn the people at home of what
had happened, and to send help. He also
managed to get through safely.
The boys arrived home only to find the family
being held prisoners in the house, which was
surrounded by Indians. Their imprisonment
and eventual escape to Fort Nisqually, where
they stayed until hostilities ceased, is another
Grandfather's body was located and brought to
the Fort for burial, and was later moved to the
cemetery at Tumwater.
From Tumwater Masonic Cemetery web site
Among the pioneers accompanying Michael T.
Simmons to Tumwater in 1845 was James McAllister
with his wife and children. He was born in
Kentucky, but like the other settlers, had
embarked on the Oregon Trail from Missouri.
McAllister did not stay in Tumwater long. He
moved to the Nisqually Valley, where he made his
claim. McAllister Creek and McAllister Springs
are named after him.
When the Indian War broke out in 1855, James
McAllister volunteered to join the Puget Sound
Rangers, commanded by Capt. Charles Eaton. On
the 22nd of October, 1855 at the house of Nathan
Eaton on the Yelm Highway, McAllister was
elected lieutenant. Right after his election,
the company of 19 men departed for the Puyallup
River to find Chief Leschi. Not finding any
Indians, the group continued on. Lt. McAllister
requested permission to reconnoiter the military
road leading towards the White River. He took
with him a resident of the area, Mr. Connell,
and 2 Indians. Eaton told him to return that
evening. McAllister replied, "I will return if I
am alive." He never returned. The sharp report
of a rifle alerted his company to his fate. His
body was found a few days later not far from the
smoking ruins of Connell's house. It was taken
to the fort on Chambers' prairie where his
family had taken refuge.
The funeral took place November 11. "It rained
incessantly all day yet the torrents which fell
did not abate the desire to render every respect
to his memory." He was survived by his wife,
Charlotte. They had been married in 1834 and had
had 10 children, the youngest of which was just
2 years old when her father was killed.
Charlotte McAllister remarried William Mengel.
They lost an infant son in 1859. All 3 Mengels
lie in this same site.
The McAllisters' oldest daughter, America,
married Thomas Chambers of the large Chambers
family who settled on Chambers Prairie. Daughter
Mary Jane married David Hartman. The Hartmans
were prominent residents of Nisqually. The
youngest daughter, Elizabeth, married Isaac
Hawk, whose name is also connected to Nisqually.
Son James McAllister, Jr. returned to Kentucky
where he married a cousin, Belle McAllister. In
1882 he moved to Grays Harbor County, then to
Yakima and ultimately to Orting where he died of
a stroke. He lies here near his parents. |
Benton Moses and Joseph Miles at Connell's
by Gary Reese
From usgennet.org
A. Benton Moses" Pioneer and Democrat,
November 2, 1855.
On Wednesday, October 31,1855, Colonel A.
Benton Moses, Aid de Camp to Captain
Maurice Maloney, Colonel of the Militia District
composed of Pierce and Sawamish counties and
U.S. Surveyor of Customs for the Port of
Nesqually, District of Puget Sound. He was
born in Charleston, South Carolina.
The subject of this notice is well known to the
citizens of our Territory where he has resided
since the fall of 1851, and during the whole of
that period he has been more or less in official
positions. He enlisted as a volunteer in
the Mexican war, and served with credit on both
the lines of General Taylor and Scott and was
promoted to a 1st Lieutenancy.
He served creditably under Lt. Colonel,
now U.S. Senator Weller, in the battle of
Monterey; then in the fight at Marin, and
afterwards on the other lines as Aid de camp to
Brig. General Childs, U.S.A. by whom he
was highly esteemed.
He came to California in 1849 and while there
went on an expedition to Southern California
against the Indians; and on his return to San
Francisco was a Deputy to Colonel Jack Hays,
sheriff of San Francisco, until the fall of 1851
when he accompanied his brother, the Collector
of Customs to Olympia, then Oregon.
That winter he was one of the volunteers to
Queen Charlotte's Island to rescue the
crew and passengers of the American sloop
Georgiana from captivity, on that Island.
He afterwards held the office of sheriff of
Thurston County, which he resigned to accept the
office Surveyor of Nesqually.
He leaves a young widow, a mother, sisters to
mourn his untimely sudden end, and a numerous
circle of friends. He was so generally
known in this community, that it is needless to
give his characteristics. We may say that
the regret at his loss, too well betokens the
regard of the many friends his frank, manly and
generous nature secured for him.
At the same time, and in the same treacherous
surprise on the part of a greatly larger force,
Joseph Miles, Esq. a member of
Capt. Hays company of Puget Sound Mounted
Volunteers, met his fate, by a bullet shot
through his neck, his body being found by Major
Tidd some fifteen paces from the spot where he
had been seen alive.
At the time of his death, he held the office of
Lieutenant Colonel of the Militia of
Thurston County and Justice of the Peace of
Olympia, to both which offices he had been
elected by large majorities at the late general
Lt. Col. Miles had lived in Olympia very
nearly two years, and was among the first to
respond to the call of the Executive for
volunteers. At that time he with his
brother, was engaged in the erection of the
Capitol. He was a good citizen and a
useful man in our community, and leaves a large
circle of acquaintances and friends to mourn his
untimely loss.
To his brother, and his family at home we extend
the assurance of our sympathy in this
bereavement. We can but remind them in
these melancholy occurrences, what tradition and
education so potently teach us all, that death
in our country's service is holy martyrdom, that
there is no holier appeal to man's sympathies
and regard, than to pursue as our guide star
that beautiful precept:
"Stand firm for your country, and become a man,
Honor'd and lov'd: It were a noble life,
To be found dead embracing her."
reminiscences of Mrs. John G. Parker," Early
History of Thurston County, Washington. compiled
and edited by Mrs. George E. Blankenship.
Olympia, Washington, 1914.
p. 95-106.
"My cousin Sarah by this time was married to
young A. Benton Moses and was living in
Olympia also. When the Indian war broke out Mr.
Moses was one of the first white men to
lose his life by the Indians. He was killed out
on Connells Prairie while in company with a
small body of men who were going to join the
volunteers. The others were obliged to flee for
their own lives and leave the poor Tad there on
the prairie.
Sarah, Widow of A. Benton Moses
"He was wounded but not killed outright. When he
fell from his horse he begged his companions to
save themselves and sent a loving message to his
young girl bride. A few days later Tom Prather
and a small company of men went out and brought
the body back to Olympia.
"Never will I forget the tragedy of that
funeral. Besides Mr. Moses there were
the bodies of Lieutenant McAllister and Col.
Miles, who were also killed at the same time.
These bodies, placed in rude coffins, were
placed in one of the two wagons in the
settlement. In the other wagon rode Sarah, Mrs.
Cock and myself, the men walking in a procession
behind the wagons.
"Our wagon Was without springs of any kind and
such as are used to haul dirt in. There were no
seats and only some boards laid across the bed.
Several times these boards slipped off arid let
the mourners down in the bottom of the wagon
"The day was dark and dreary and the road but
little more than a rough trail. It was a
terrible experience. To do honor to the brave
boys who had lost their lives in the attempt to
protect others, the citizens decided that a
military funeral was proper, so music must be
included. This consisted of a drum and fife. As
we wended our way out to the graveyard over and
over again did this drum and fife sound out the
strains of, `The Girl I Left Behind Me.'
That was the only tune they could play and they
did the best they could, but I thought Sarah's
heart would surely break. The graveyard was the
one out on the road leading to what is now
Little Rock, near Belmore. Here the three graves
were made close to the road, side by side.
And here soon after was laid the remains of
Charles H. Mason, the first Secretary of the
Territory, a gallant young man of good family,
who died of fever when only 29 years of age. I
think the Thurston County Historical Society
could do no better work than mark the last
resting place of these heroes of the Indian war.
McAllister home. Yakima
Herald April 26, 2015
Indian Wars
E. Blankenship,
"The people were disappointed in receiving arms
that were expected at that time, which
necessitated a visit by Surveyor General Tilton
to Seattle with a view to securing arms from the
Decatur, a sloop of war, and the revenue cutter
Jefferson Davis, both then in the harbor. He was
successful to the extent of securing 30 muskets,
40 carbines, 50 holster pistols, 50 sabers and
belts and 3500 ball cartridges.
Nathan Eaton, a settler in Thurston, was
authorized by Acting Governor Mason, to organize
a Company of Rangers which was officered as
follows: First Lieutenant, James McAllister
; Second Lieutenant, James Tullis ; Third
Lieutenant. A. M. Poe ; First Sergeant, John
Harold ; Second Sergeant, Chas. E. Weed ; Third
Sergeant, W. W. Miller ; Fourth Sergeant, S.
Phillips ; First Corporal, S. D. Reinhart ;
Second Corporal, Thos. Bracken ; Third Corporal,
S. Hodgdon ; Fourth Corporal, James Hughes.
Both Companies proceeded to White River
valley on October 20, 1855.
A Company was organized on Mound Prairie
and the citizens then built a blockhouse for
protection. A Company was also formed on
Chambers Prairie.
As a precautionary measure it was deemed wise to
hold a reserve force and four more Companies
were called for. By the terms of this call,
Lewis, Thurston, Pierce and Sammamish were to
furnish one Company to enroll at Olympia. This
Company enrolled 110 men and elected the
following officers: Captain, Geo. B. Goudy;
First Lieutenant, W. B. Affleck; Second
Lieutenant, J. K. Hurd; First Sergeant, Francis
Lindler; Second Sergeant, A. J. Baldwin; Third
Sergeant, F. W. Sealy; Fourth Sergeant, James
Roberts. Jos. Walraven, E. W. Austin, Hiel
Barnes and Joseph Dean, Corporals.
Stockades for the protection of families were
built in this County, one on Chambers Prairie
and one on Mound Prairie. Business was
practically suspended in town and claims were
abandoned in the country. Men were either pre-
paring to leave for the scene of the trouble or
were engaged in the erection of forts and
stockades for protection.
The Rangers left home on October 24th, to seek
the wilv Chief of the Nesquallys, Leschi, who
was the instigator of much of the trouble and
hostile attitude of many of the natives, but
they found he had gone to the White River
Valley, and the troops immediately started in
pursuit. At Puyallup Crossing, Captain Eaton,
Lieutenant McAllister and Connell, together with
a friendly Indian, went ahead of their Company
to have a conference with the Indians. The
Indians, with characteristic treachery,
professed friendship. Upon returning to camp, McAllister
and Connell were fired upon and killed. An
Indian rode to the McAllister claim and told the
family of McAllister's death and helped them to
the fort on Chambers' Prairie. A few days later
Cols. A. B. Moses and Joseph Miles
were killed. It was for the murder of these men
that Leschi was afterward executed.
Emissaries from the hostiles on the East side of
the mountains visited the Sound Indians, and by
ingenious argument incited the natives on this
side to hostility. Straggling bands were
perpetrating outrages here and there, and thus
were families intimidated and forced to take
refuge in Olympia. A town meeting was
held, at which Wm. Cock was chosen chairman and
Elwood Evans, secretary. After discussing the
situation it was resolved to build a stockade.
Rev. J. F. Devore, R. M. Walker and Wm. Cock
were constituted a committee to proceed at once
on works for defense, and, if necessary, to
detain the brig Tarquina, then in the harbor, as
a means of refuge.
While this condition existed and a sable cloud
lay low over the little town, the bodies of McAllister,
Moses and Miles were brought in, and
during a dismal fall of rain, the little
community bared their heads in grief over the
mortal remains of their first martyrs. The three
young men were buried on Chambers' Prairie. ???
A stockade was erected along Fourth Street, from
bay to bay, with a block house at the corner of
Main, on which was placed a cannon.
These were merely precautionary measures. Actual
fighting occurred only in the White and Puyallup
Valleys, and in December, the Militia Companies
were disbanded.
An attack on Seattle occurred January 26, 1856,
and Governor Stevens then issued a proclamation
calling for six Companies, two of which were to
enroll at Olympia.
The entire white population of the Sound at this
time was barely 4,000 souls and all the male
population fit to bear arms had been and were
now devoting their time and energies to defense,
rather than in the pursuit of their occupations
; they were destitute and discouraged, and were
receiving little or no help from the Government.
The first Company here to respond was officered
as follows : Captain, Gilmore Hays ; First
Lieutenant, A. B. Rabbeson ; Second Lieutenant,
Wm. Martin; Orderly Sergeant, Frank Ruth ;
Sergeants, A. J. Moses, D. , Martin, M. Goddell
; Corporals, N. B. Coffey, J. L. Myers, F.
Hughes, H. Horton.
A Company of Mounted Rangers elected officers as
follows : Captain, B. L. Henness ; First
Lieutenant, Geo. C. Blankenship; Second
Lieutenant, F. A. Godwin; Sergeants, Jos.
Cushman, W. J. Yeager, Henry Laws, Jas. Phillips
; Corporals, Wni. E. ICady, Thos. Hicks, S. A.
Phillips, H. A. Johnson.
On February 8 there was organized a company of
miners and sappers under Captain Jas. A. White ;
U. E. Hicks, First Lieutenant ; McLain Chambers,
Second Lieutenant ; D. J. Hubbard, C. White.
Marcus McMillan, H. G. Parsons, Sergeants,
Corporals, Isaac Lemon, Wm. Ruddell, Wm. Mengle.
This Company was organized to cut roads, build
fortifications, guard stock, etc.
Adjutant General Tilton, on March 1, issued a
call for 100 more men for service under Major
Hays, with headquarters at Olympia, and in April
a block house was built, sufficient to
accommodate the whole population, on a site now
known as Capital Park. The spot is indicated by
a stone, erected by the Daughters of the
American Revolution, to mark the end of the
Oregon trail.
The Indians now seemed tiring of the unavailing
struggle, although a Peace Commission composed
of M. T. Simmons and Ed. C. Fitzhugh, appointed
by the Governor to treat with the Indians, was
unable to bring about satisfactory results. But
the Indians were disbanding and the soldiers
returned home, subject to call and were finally
mustered out in August. The horses, stores,
etc., were sold at public auction. An incident
which shows the characteristic integrity and
regard for honor prevalent among the pioneers is
here given. An officer of one of the volunteer
Companies had captured a mule in Grand Ronde
Valley. While in the service, he rode it home to
Olympia, and turned it in. He desired to bid it
in and own it, but the highest bid was $475 and
the faithful volunteer, impoverished by ten
months' military service, was unable to meet the
During the struggle stockades and block houses
had been built in Thurston County by settlers as
follows : Stockade at Cochran's, Skookumchuck;
stockade. Fort Henness, Grand Mound Prairie;
stockade at Goodells, Grand Mound Prairie; block
house, Tenalquct Prairie; block house. Nathan
Eaton's. Chambers Prairie; two block houses.
Chambers Prairie; block liouse at Ruddell's.
Chambers Prairie; stockade at Bush's. Bush
Prairie; block house at Rutledge's. Bush
Prairie; two hlock houses in Tumwater; block
house at Doffelmeyer's Point.
Forts and block houses built in Thurston County
by the Volunteers were : Block house at
Skookumchuck, Fort Miller. Tenalquot Plains;
Fort Stevens, Yelm Prairie; block house at
Lowe's, Chambers Prairie; block house and
stockade at Olympia.
No stockades were built by the Federal troops in
Thurston County. The Volunteers had acquitted
themselves creditably. Though a sturdy type of
the Western pioneer, they had subjected
themselves to strict discipline. All captured
property was turned over or accounted for. No
case of wanton killing of Indians had been
reported. At the close of hostility the
settlers justly felt that the murderers among
the Indians should be tried and subjected to
punishment. In this they were firmly supported
by Governor Stevens. In a letter to Col. Casey,
the Governor asked his assistance to this end :
"I have, therefore, to request your
aid in apprehending Leschi, Qui-ee-muth. Kitsap,
Slahi and Nelson, and other murderers, and to
keep them in custody awaiting a warrant from the
nearest magistrate.
"In conclusion I have to state that I do
not believe that any country or any age has
afforded an example of the kindness and justice
which has been shown towards the Indians by the
suffering inhabitants of the Sound during the
recent troubles. They have, in spite of the few
cases of murder which have occurred, shown
themselves eminently law-abiding, a just and
forbearing people. They desire the murderers of
the In- dians to be punished, but they complain,
and they have a right to complain, if the
Indians, whose hands are steeped in the blood of
the innocent, go unwhipped of justice."
There had arisen a question between the Governor
and the military as to whether any promise of
protection had been made to the Indians when
they delivered themselves up to Colonel Wright
iii Yakima, Col. Casey claiming that to attempt
to hold any on a charge of murder would be a
violation of good faith. The Governor positively
controverted the assumption of protection to the
Indians, as he had received positive assurance
from Col. Wright that he had made no terms with
them and promised them no immunity. The
Governor, relying upon this statement made to
him by Col. Wright, in the presence of
creditable witnesses, refused to receive and
take charge of a party of about 100 Sound
Indians until the murderers' were arrested,
claiming that Lesehi and the others had
committed murders in time of peace, in a
barbarous way, when their victims were unaware
of danger.
However, the accused murderers were arrested and
indicted and received by Col. Casey for custody
at Fort Steilacoom, whereupon the Governor took
charge of the other Indians and returned them to
their reservations. At the first trial of Lesehi
the jury disagreed, but at a subsequent trial he
was convicted. The case was appealed to the
Supreme Court, where the judgment of the lower
court was affirmed, and the murderer was
sentenced to be hanged on January 22, 1858, at
Fort Steilacoorm. Petitions were circulated for
pardon and numerous remonstrances were filed
with the Governor, but the Governor declined to
interfere. Time for the execution passed and
Lesehi still lived. A committee, appointed by
indignant citizens, inquired into the cause for
delay. The report of this committee disclosed
interference by the military authorities at Fort
Steilacoom, and severely censured the Sheriff of
Pierce County. At a session of the Supreme Court
February 12, 1858, Lesehi was re-sentenced to
hang February 19. Sheriff Hays was ordered to
carry out the order of the court. In the absence
of the Sheriff. Deputy Mitchell went, with a
posse of twelve men, to Steilacoom, where the
sentence was carried out and Leschi was made to
pay the penalty of his crimes.
Yelm Jim, who had been charged with the murder
of Wm. White in March, 1856, came to trial
April, 1859. He was found guilty and was
sentenced to be hanged. Before the time set for
the execution arrived, however, two Indians came
to Olympia and confessed to the crime. Yelm Jim
was pardoned.
Qui-ee-muth, Leschi's brother, was captured near
Yelm and brought to the Governor's office in
Olympia late at night. The Governor stationed a
guard over the Indian, with strico orders for
protection until morning, when the prisoner
would be removed to Steilacoom. About daylight,
while the guard slept, a man burst into the
room, shooting the Indian in the arm and then
stabbing him. The deed was done and the assassin
gone before the guard was thoroughly aroused.
The man making the attack was not identified,
and no testimony could be found against anyone.
The impression gained credence, however, that
Joseph Bunting, son-in-law of McAllister,
committed the deed, thus revenging the death of
As has been before stated, the Indians, in their
hostilities toward the settlers, were much
encouraged by the Hudson Bay Company. During the
war there lived in the country back of
Steilacoom, a number of ex-employees of the
Company, who had Indian wives and half breed
children. It was reported to the Governor that
these men were giving aid and comfort to the
Indians. The Indians who killed White and
Northcraft in Thurston County, were tracked
straight to the houses of these men, who, when
asked concerning it, admitted the fact, but
denied any knowledge of their acts.
As a precautionary measure, the Governor ordered
these men to remove either to Steilacoom,
Nisqually or Olympia, until the end of
hostilities, where they would be harmless to the
interests of the settlers. Accordingly twelve of
them moved in. They had taken out their first
papers and had located donation claims. A few
lawyers who had not distinguished themselves by
assisting, or even been identified with, the
worthy settler in resisting the Indians, here
saw a chance for serving their own purposes, and
incited these men to resist the Governor's order
in the courts, and in the mean- time return to
their claims, which five of them did. On
learning this, the Governor ordered them
arrested and turned over to Col. Casey at Fort
Then the designing lawyers sued out a writ of
habeas corpus. To forestall an effort on the
part of the conspirators to seriously impair the
plans of his administration, the Governor
declared martial law on April 3. The prisoners
were brought to Olympia and incarcerated in the
old block house on the public square. Judge
Chenoweth, whose place it was to hear the
proceedings, plead illness, and asked Judge
Lander, whose district included Thurston County,
to hear the habeas corpus cases. Lander hastened
to Steilacoom and opened court May 7. The
Governor had urged the Judge to adjourn court
until Indian troubles were over, which must
necessarily be soon, and all trouble thus
averted. But Lander proceeded to open court,
whereupon Col. Shaw walked into court and
arrested the Judge and the officers of his court
and brought them to Olympia, where they were
Lander, being then at home, and the time for
holding court in his own district having
arrived, he opened court on the 14th, and
summoned the Governor to answer contempt
proceedings. The Governor ignored the order and
accordingly United States Marshal Geo. W.
Corliss proceeded to the Governor's office to
arrest him. The Marshal and his party, however,
after failing to execute their errand, were
ejected from the office by a party composed of
Major Tilton, Capt. Cain, Jas. Doty, Q. A.
Brooks, R. M. Walker, A. J. Baldwin, Lewis
Ensign, Chas. E. Weed and J. L. Mitchell.
Mounted volunteers entered the Town and Judge
Lander hearing of their approach, adjourned
court, and, in company with Elwood Evans, went
to the office of the latter and locked
themselves in. Captain Miller, with his men,
approached, and finding himself barred,
remarked: "I will here add a new letter to the
alphabet, let 'er rip," and kicked in the door
and arrested the occupants of the room. Evans
was released at once. Lander was held in
honorable custody until the war was over.
Much was made of this act by the enemies of
Governor Stevens to injure him and his
administration. A mass meeting was held in
Olympia on the public square (now Capital Park),
which was presided over by Judge B. F. Yantis,
J. W. Goodell, Secretary, which heartily
endorsed the course of the Governor in declaring
martial law.
The proclamation revoking martial law was
promulgated May 24 and Lander held court in July
following. The Governor appeared in court by
counsel disclaiming any disrespect to the Court,
was fined $50, which he paid, and the incident
was closed.
F. & A. M.
E. Blankenship,
particularly noticeable feature of the
proceedings of early meetings is the discipline
maintained. These pioneer Masons were
ritualists as far as their limited facilities
permitted, but what was more commendable they
were sticklers for what the ritual stood for,
and frowned with puritanic severity upon
hypocrisy. Those members who stepped
beyond the bounds of propriety and violated
Masonic teachings were haled before the bar and
disciplined. A notable instance was
that of James McAllister, a member of No. 5,
who, while hunting cattle, killed two steers
belonging to members of Steilacoom
Lodge. Mr. McAllister, on discovering
his mistake, went to the owners and offered to
make a settlement, but the owners of the cattle
were exorbitant in their demands, whereupon the
two Lodges took the matter in hand and forced a
settlement. No lawyers were feed nor
courts called upon, but the settlement was
effectual. Cases of intemperance were
dealt with with patience and firmness, and one
member who was known to frequent gambling places
was hailed for judgment. His case was
set for six months in advance, a probationary
period in which to test the sincerity of his
promise of reform. Two brothers who
engaged in wordy conflict on the street were
reprimanded, and a member leaving town without
paying his creditors was expelled.
In later
years we have erected magnificent temples in the
name of Masonry, but they will mock high Heaven
if they do not demonstrate the teachings of the
Fraternity as exemplified by our
predecessors. The incidents cited
above were taken at random from the minutes to
show how our antecedents lived their Masonry and
set an example that Masons of today may well
profit by. Masonry then meant more
than commercial or political advantage and an
emblem. The pioneer had a tear for
pity and a hand open as the day for meeting
charity, but he was an austere mentor.
May 7,
1859, the Lodge took steps toward building a
sidewalk to connect with the town, which, when
completed, was a boon for the juvenile
population of the village who utilized it as a
coasting course, furnishing a good steep grade
from the hall to the old blockhouse, which stood
where is now the marker for the end of the
Oregon Trail.
was much privation endured in those days, in
everyday life, but there was some
recompense. There is a notable
contrast in comparison with the hold-up methods
of today. No. 1 paid a bill for
$33.78 for its Lodge room furniture; $1.12 per
yard for its carpet, and it was a good carpet
for it endured for years; 6 chairs for
$9.00. These chairs were durable, for
they are today in the hands of members of No. 1,
who purchased them when the old hall was
dismantled. It costs a great deal to
live in these effete days of the automobile and
enervating luxury, but it costs more to
die. Now when one proposes to draw
the draperies of his couch about him and lie
down to pleasant dreams, he must leave an estate
of at least $1,000.00 for funeral expenses or
the obsequies will not be attended by the elect,
while in 1850 to 1860 one could light out for
that bourne from whence no traveler returns for
about $36.00, as the record shows, and make a
pretty good appearance at that. The
necessary offices were performed by surviving
brothers without price, and the deceased was
taken out south of town in a dead-ex wagon
rather than a gasoline hearse, but no one of the
deceased was ever heard to complain about his
One of
the first funerals at which Olympia Lodge
presided was one somewhat historic in the annals
of the territory. The services were
held over the remains of A. Benton Moses,
of Steilacoom Lodge, and Joseph Miles. Moses
and Miles had been shot from ambush by the
Indians near Connell prairie, while in company
with a small body of volunteers who were going
to join the main body. These Indians
were instigated in the murder by Chief Leschi,
who was tried for the crime and eventually
hung. Leschi was a fit subject for
the hangman’s noose then. Today,
thanks to Ezra Meeker, he is a hero and a
was a tragedy in the funeral. The
bodies were placed in one of the two wagons in
the little settlement. In the other
rode the bride of six months of Mr. Moses. The
day was dark and dreary and the road almost
impassible. To do honor to the men who had
given up their lives to protect others, the
citizens demanded a military funeral, and, as
such, music was indispensable. The
band consisted of a fife and drum. As
the procession wended its way to the graveyard
on the road leading to what is now Little Rock,
near Belmore, over and over again the band
played the strains of the “Girl I Left Behind
Me.” This may have a ludicrous aspect
now, but it was agony for a girl who was
following a young husband to his last resting
place. The people were simply doing
the best they could to honor these Masons with
the limited means at their command.
But the
old order gives way for the
new. Olympia Lodge is now a
flourishing organization of over four hundred
members, holding the proud title of No. 1 in a
great jurisdiction. Harmony Lodge No.
18 was organized in 1871 and is a prosperous
body of about one hundred sixty-five
members. The necessities of these
Lodges and the higher bodies demanded a better
and a more commodious home and the old gave way
for the building now occupied. Much
credit is due to a committee composed of Frank
Blakeslee, Chas. E. Claypool, and Robert Doragh,
to whom was delegated the authority for
financing and supervising the
building. The corner stone for this
temple was laid in 1911.
In such
reverence was the old building held that many
were loathe to have it destroyed. In
the hope of preserving it, the Grand Lodge of
Washington was offered a deed to the hall and
the ground upon which it stood for use as a
headquarters for the Grand Lodge archives and
office of the Grand Secretary. But
Tacoma influence was too strong, and brought
about a removal of the office of Grand Secretary
to the City of Destiny, after having been
maintained here since the organization of the
Grand Lodge. Much of this time Thomas
Milburne Reed was Grand Secretary, a man who
lived his Masonry and died a sincere and
consistent Christian. His memory is
cherished by all who were fortunate in having
his acquaintance and friendship.
In such
deep veneration was the old hall held that there
were those in the membership of No. 1 that
fought to the bitter end to save the old
edifice. At last, the sentimental
members offered to consent to the desecration on
condition that a small lodge room would be
included in the new building which would be a
replica of the old Lodge room with its arch
ceiling and starry
embellishments. And the historic old
building was razed, and an old door, the main
entrance, was thrown into an abandoned barn and
forgotten. The old order became a
memory, with nothing to connect with the
beginning of things except an old minute book
and charter.
merest accident, the old door was found and
rejuvenated, and upon its surface on each panel
is emblazoned the high lights of northwest
Masonic history. The old door was
home again and hung in the old Lodge room, and
its return was celebrated by a special session
of No. 1, when it was installed. The
old hand rail was found that had guided the
Masons of old up the stairs. It was
made of a hard, not a native, wood, brought from
an eastern state. When the old building was
razed, a thorough search failed to reveal the
old corner stone laid in 1854.
The door
has been assigned a position in the smaller
Lodge room, which in most respects is the one
which it guarded, near the senior warden’s
station in the west. It was the only
place in the temple where wall space sufficient
for its size could be found. There it
will remain and as the years go by, additional
history will be written upon its panels and
stiles and thus through the generations will
preserve, unimpaired, the history of the first
Lodge in the state.
original place of meeting of Olympia No. 5, was
on Second Street, between Main Street (now
Capitol Way) and Washington Street, in a
two-story wooden building with an outside
stairway. This was also the building
in which was organized the Grand Lodge of
Washington. The site is now marked by
a plaque on which is inscribed:
DEC. 11, 1852
DEC. 10, A.L. 5927
This location is a memorable one in the history
of the state. In this block was held
the first session of the territorial legislature
in 1854. This site is also marked by
a plaque installed by the Pioneer Society of the
State. Here also stood an old hotel
in which was held the official reception of
Governor Isaac I. Stevens on his arrival in
Olympia. The governor was accompanied
by a party of engineers sent out by the
government to locate a feasible route for a
transcontinental railroad. They
established their office in the block
opposite. In fact, all of the little
village of Olympia, made the capitol, by
proclamation of Governor Stevens, of a vast
domain extending from the Rocky Mountains to the
Pacific Ocean and from the Columbia River to the
British line, was located well down toward the
waterfront, but the Masons built their first
Lodge hall six blocks above, well surrounded by
in good standing enrolled during 1853 and 1854
were: T.F. McElroy, J.W. Wiley, M.T. Simmons, N.
Delin, Ira Ward, C.H. Hale, Smith Hays, F.A.
Clark, I.B. Powers, B.F. Yantis, B.F. Shaw, J.R.
Johnson, John M. Hayden, Edmund Sylvester,
Courtland Etheridge, Levi M. Ford, T.W. Glasgow.
were indeed the pioneer Masons of No. 1 that
participated in the laying of the corner stone
of the old building June 24, 1854. At
11 o’clock on that day a procession was formed
and proceeded to the site of the new Lodge
building, at which time and place the corner
stone was laid with appropriate ceremonies,
after which the procession moved to Brother
Cock’s hall at the Pacific house, as stated by
the minutes, and listened to an eloquent address
by J.P. Anderson on
Masonry. Evidently the pioneer had
the same weakness as the more modern Mason, for
the minutes further state that the brethren
partook of a sumptuous entertainment prepared by
Brother Cock for the occasion. The
Pacific house, referred to, stood on the now
vacant lot opposite the city
hall. Brother Cock was later
suspended for insubordination and finally
expelled by order of the Grand Lodge.
At a
meeting on August 4, a proposition to reduce the
fees for the three degrees to $30.00 was
discussed and rejected, the fees remaining at
approaching Indian war had commenced, making
inroads on the members of the Masonic
Fraternity. As already stated, A.
Benton Moses had been accorded a
Masonic funeral by No. 5, and at the meeting
held November 3, 1855, resolutions were passed
deploring the death of A.J. Bolon. He
was an Indian agent and was proceeding toward
The Dalles accompanied by three
Indians. One of the Indians on the
trail dropped behind Bolon and shot him in the
back. With the help of his
companions, the murderer then cut Bolon’s
throat, killed his horse, built a fire and
burned the bodies of horse and
man. This murderer was duly
punished. His name was
Kwalchen. One day he rode into
Colonel Wright’s camp. The Colonel
made this report of the affair, “He rode into my
camp at 9 o’clock this morning and at 9:15 he
was hung.”
At the
meeting held November 11, 1855, resolutions of
regret were adopted on the death of Brother
James McAllister, killed by the Indians in
White River Valley. His body was
found two days after the killing of Moses,
before mentioned, shockingly mutilated.
It may
be stated in passing that the pioneer Masons
spared neither space nor effort in expressing
their sympathy. The resolutions
commemorating the death of McAllister covered
two pages of the minute book, closely written,
closing with the following: “Resolved that a
blank page be left in the record book of the
Lodge and the name of our deceased brother be
inscribed in the center thereof, with marginal
black lines.” The secretary left two
blank pages in the record book, but to this day
they remain blank.
December 8, 1855, a communication was read from
Steilacoom Lodge announcing the death of
Lieutenant Slaughter. He was killed
by the Indians near White River. He
had been a visitor to Olympia No. 5, though a
member in Steilacoom, and Olympia was asked to
participate in the funeral
ceremonies. Lieutenant Slaughter was
a West Point graduate and assigned to the 4th
Infantry, to which Lieutenant Grant (later
General Grant) was assigned. He was
ordered to the West and was seasick every day of
his trip here. On his arrival here he
was ordered to return East, on account of a
mistake in his assignment. Again he
suffered from seasickness and, when Grant found
him in Panama in 1852, still sick, he told his
superior that he wished he had joined the Navy,
for then he probably would not have to go to sea
so much.
interwoven with the early history of Washington
is that of Masonry, for the outstanding
characters that were bearing the burdens of
pioneer life and carrying on contests with the
Indians were Masons.
At a
meeting on February 7, 1857, a resolution was
passed urging the granting of a petition for the
establishment of a Lodge of Masons at Grand
Mound. The petitioners were: Charles
Byles, James Byles, I. Axtell, W.B.D. Newman,
C.E. Baker, B.C. Armstrong, Aaron Webster, B.F.
Yantis, and R.S. Doyle. The petition
was granted, and the Lodge survived for a few
meeting of September 19, 1857, was notable for
several distinguishing
features. Among the visitors notes
was Fayette McMullen of Catlett Lodge No 35,
Virginia. This gentleman was the
second governor of the territory. Selucius
Garfield and W.W. Miller were balloted on and
elected. Garfield was later to
represent the territory in congress, and W.W.
Miller was Adjutant General during the troublous
Indian war times.
M. Reed, of Acacia Lodge No. 92, appeared as a
visitor on January 16, 1858. This
brother was destined to be a very prominent
figure in future Masonic history. He
affiliated here on June 5, 1858.
first move toward selection of a Masonic
cemetery was made on March 6, 1858, when a
committee reported progress on the
matter. The Lodge later accepted the
donation of a tract of land made by Smith Hays,
stipulating that the land was a donation on
consideration of the Lodge’s clearing and
cultivating the three acres given. On
September 4, 1858, a contract was approved for
clearing the cemetery ground."
The Yakima
War (1855-1858) was a conflict between
the United States and the Yakama,
a Sahaptian-speaking people of the
Northwest Plateau, then part of Washington
Territory, and the tribal allies of each. It
primarily took place in the southern interior of
present-day Washington, with isolated battles
in western Washington and the
northern Inland Empire sometimes
separately referred to as the Puget Sound
War and the Palouse War, respectively.
This conflict is also referred to as
the Yakima Native American War of 1855.
between the United
States and several Indian
tribes in the Washington
Territory resulted in
reluctant tribal recognition of U.S.
sovereignty over a vast amount of land in
the Washington
Territory. The tribes, in return
for this recognition, were to receive half
of the fish in the territory in perpetuity,
awards of money and provisions, and reserved
landswhere white settlement would
be prohibited.
governor Isaac Stevens had
guaranteed the inviolability of Native
American territory following tribal
accession to the treaties, he lacked the
legal authority to enforce it pending
ratification of the agreements by
the United States Senate. Meanwhile,
the widely-publicized discovery of gold in
Yakama territory prompted an influx of
unruly prospectors who traveled,
unchecked, across the newly defined tribal
lands, to the growing consternation of
Indian leaders. In 1855 two of these
prospectors were killed by Qualchin, the
nephew of Kamiakin, after it was
discovered they'd raped a Yakama woman.[1]
of hostilities
Death of
Andrew Bolon
murder of BIA agent Andrew Bolon is
considered an immediate cause of the
September 20, 1855, Bureau of Indian
Affairs agent Andrew Bolon,
hearing of the death of the prospectors at
the hands of Qualchin, departed for the
scene on horseback to investigate but was
intercepted by the Yakama chief Shumaway who
warned him Qualchin was too dangerous to
confront. Heeding Shumaway's warning, Bolon
turned back and began the ride home. En
route he came upon a group of Yakama
traveling south and decided to ride along
with them. One of the members of this group
was Mosheel, Shumaway's son.[2] Mosheel
decided to kill Bolon for reasons that are
not entirely clear. Though a number of
Yakama in the traveling party protested,
their objections were overruled by Mosheel
who invoked his regal status. Discussions
about Bolon's fate took place over much of
the day (Bolon, who did not speak Yakama,
was unaware of the conspiracy unfolding
among his traveling companions). During a
rest stop, as Bolon and the Yakama were
eating lunch, Mosheel and at least three
other Yakama set upon him with knives. Bolon
yelled out in a Chinook dialect, "I did
not come to fight you!" before being stabbed
in the throat.[3] Bolon's horse was
then shot, and his body and personal effects
Battle of
Toppenish Creek
Shumaway heard of Bolon's death he
immediately sent an ambassador to inform the
U.S. Army garrison at Fort Dalles, before
calling for the arrest of his son, Mosheel,
who he said should be turned-over to the
territorial government to forestall the
American retaliation he felt would likely
occur. A Yakama council overruled the chief,
however, siding with Shumaway's older
brother, Kamiakin, who called for war
preparations. Meanwhile, district
commander Gabriel Rains had
received Shumaway's ambassador and, in
response to the news of Bolon's death,
ordered Major Granville O. Haller to move
out with an expeditionary column from Fort
Dalles. Haller's force was met and
turned-back at the edge of Yakama territory
by a large group of Yakama warriors. As
Haller withdrew, his company was engaged and
routed by the Yakama at the Battle of
Toppenish Creek.[5]
death of Bolon, and the United States defeat
at Toppenish Creek, caused panic across the
territory with fears that an Indian uprising
was in progress.
The same
news, however, emboldened the Yakama and
uncommitted bands rallied to Kamiakin.
who had just 350 federal troops under his
immediate command, urgently appealed to
Acting Governor Charles
Mason (Isaac Stevens was still
returning from Washington,
D.C. where he had traveled to
present the treaties to the Senate for
ratification) for military aid, writing
“ |
all the disposable force in the
district will at once take the field,
and I have the honor to make a
requisition upon you for two companies
of volunteers to take the field the
earliest possible moment. The
composition of these companies to be
as follows: One Captain, one First
Lieutenant and one Second Lieutenant,
two musicians, four Sergeants, four
Corporals and seventy four privates.
The greatest exertions should be made
to raise and equip these companies at
once. |
” |
Oregon Governor George
Law Curry mobilized a cavalry
regiment of 800 men, a portion of which
crossed into Washington territory in early
November.[7] Now
with more than 700 troops at his disposal,
Rains prepared to march on Kamiakin who had
encamped at Union
Gap with 300 warriors.[5]
Raid on
the White River settlements
at the site of the ambush of McAllister
and Connell, photographed in 2005.
As Rains
was mustering his forces, in Pierce
County, Leschi,
a Nisqually chief who was half Yakama, had
sought to forge an alliance among the Puget
Sound tribes to bring war to the doorstep of
the territorial government. Starting with
just the 31 warriors in his own band, Leschi
rallied more than 150 Muckleshoot, Puyallup,
and Klickitat though other tribes rebuffed
Leschi's overtures. In response to news of
Leschi's growing army, a volunteer troop of
18 dragoons,
known as Eaton's Rangers, was dispatched to
arrest the Nisqually chief.[8]
October 27, while surveying an area of
the White
River, ranger James McAllister
and farmer Michael Connell were
ambushed and killed by Leschi's men. The
rest of Eaton's Rangers were besieged inside
an abandoned cabin, where they would remain
for the next four days before escaping. The
next morning Muckleshoot, and Klickitat
warriors raided three settler cabins along
the White River, killing nine men and women.
Many settlers had left the area in advance
of the raid, having been warned of danger
by Chief
Kitsap of the neutral Suquamish.
Details of the raid on the White River
settlements were told by John King, one of
the four survivors, who was seven years old
at the time and was - along with two younger
siblings - spared by the attackers and told
to head west. The King children eventually
came upon a local Native American known to
them as Tom.[8]
“ |
told him of the massacre. He said he
suspected something of the kind, as he
had heard firing in that direction. He
told me that I should get the children
and take them to his wigwam, adding
that 'when the moon was high' he would
take us to Seattle in his canoe. His
squaw was as kind and amiable as could
be, and did all in her power to make
it pleasant for us, but the children
were very shy. She set out dried fish
and whortleberries for our repast, but
nothing she could do would induce them
to go to her. Our hunger was so great
that the various and penetrating odors
permeating the food she had brought us
was no bar to our relish for it as I
remember." |
” |
would later express regret for the raid on
the White River settlements and post-war
accounts given by Nisqually in his band
affirmed that the chief had rebuked his
commanders who had organized the attack.[9]
Battle of
White River
Captain Maurice Maloney, in command of a
reinforced company of 243 men, had
previously been sent east to cross the
Naches Pass and enter the Yakama homeland
from the rear. Finding the pass blocked with
snow he began returning west in the days
following the raid on the White River
settlements. On November 2, 1855 Leschi's
men were spotted by the vanguard of
Maloney's returning column, and fell back to
the right bank of the White River.[8]
Dick, pictured here later in life, was
one of Leschi's soldiers at the Battle
of White River. After the war he would
rise to the chiefdom of the Puyallup.
November 3 Maloney ordered a force of 100
men under Lt. William Slaughter to cross the
White River and engage Leschi's forces.
Attempts to ford the river, however, were
stopped by the fire of Indian sharpshooters.
One American soldier was killed in a
back-and-forth exchange of gunfire. Accounts
of Indian fatalities range from one
(reported by a Puyallup Indian, Tyee Dick,
after the end of the war) to 30 (claimed in
Slaughter's official report), though the
lower number may be more credible (one
veteran of the battle, Daniel Mounts, would
later be appointed Indian agent to the
Nisqually and heard Tyee Dick's casualty
numbers confirmed by Nisqually). At four
o'clock, when it was becoming too dark for
the Americans to cross the White River,
Leschi's men fell back three miles to their
camp on the banks of the Green
River, jubilant at having
successfully prevented the American crossing
(Tyee Dick would later describe the battle
as hi-ue he-he, hi-ue he-he -
"lots and lots of fun").[8]
The next
morning Maloney advanced with 150 men across
the White River and attempted to engage
Leschi at his camp at the Green River, but
poor terrain made the advance untenable and
he quickly called off the attack. Another
skirmish on November 5 resulted in five
American fatalities, but no Indian deaths.
Unable to make any headway, Maloney began
his withdrawal from the area on November 7,
arriving at Fort Steilacoom two days later.[8]
Battle of
Union Gap
hundred fifty miles to the east, on November
9, Rains closed with Kamiakin near Union
Gap.[10] The Yakama had
erected a defensive barrier of stone
breastwork which was quickly blown away by
American artillery fire. Kamiakan had not
expected a force of the size Rains had
mustered and the Yakama, anticipating a
quick victory of the kind they had recently
scored at Toppenish Creek, had brought their
families. Kamiakan now ordered the women and
children to flee as he and the warriors
fought a delaying action. While leading a
reconnaissance of the American lines,
Kamiakan and a group of fifty mounted
warriors encountered an American patrol
which gave chase. Kamiakan and his men
escaped across the Yakima River; the
Americans were unable to keep up and two
soldiers drowned before the pursuit was
called off.
John, a U.S. Army Indian scout, is
believed to have inflicted the only
fatality on the Yakama at Union Gap.
evening Kamiakan called a war council where
it was decided the Yakama would make a stand
in the hills of Union Gap. Rains began
advancing on the hills the next morning, his
progress slowed by small groups of Yakama
employing hit
and run tactics to delay the
American advance against the main Yakama
force. At four o'clock in the afternoon Maj.
Haller, backed by a howitzer bombardment,
led a charge against the Yakama position.
Kamiakan's forces scattered into the brush
at the mouth of Ahtanum Creek and the
American offensive was called off.[11]
Kamiakan's camp, plans for a night raid
against the American force were drawn up but
abandoned. Instead, early the next day, the
Yakama continued their defensive retreat,
tiring American forces who eventually broke
off the engagement. In the last day of
fighting the Yakama suffered their only
fatality, a warrior killed by U.S. Army
Indian Scout Cutmouth
continued to Saint Joseph's Mission which
had been abandoned, the priests having
joined the Yakama in flight. During a search
of the grounds, Rains men discovered a
barrel of gunpowder, leading them to
erroneously believe the priests had been
secretly arming the Yakama. A riot among the
soldiers ensued and the mission was burned
to the ground. With snow beginning to fall,
Rains ordered a withdrawal, and the column
returned to Fort Dalles.[7]
at Brannan's Prairie
By the
end of November, federal troops had returned
to the White River area. A detachment of the
4th Infantry Regiment, under Lt. Slaughter,
accompanied by militia under Capt. Gilmore
Hays, searched the area from which Maloney
had previously withdrawn and engaged
Nisqually and Klickitat warriors at Biting's
Prairie on November 25, 1855, resulting in
several casualties but no decisive outcome.
The next day an Indian sharpshooter killed
two of Slaughter's troops. Finally, on
December 3, as Slaughter and his men were
camped for the night on Brannan's Prairie,
the force was fired upon and Slaughter
killed. News of the death of Slaughter
greatly demoralized settlers in the
principal towns. Slaughter and his wife were
a popular young couple among the settlers
and the legislature adjourned for a day of
governor Isaac Stevens, pictured here in
1862, was joined by Oregon governor John
Curry in calling for the dismissal of
Gen. Wool.
of command
In late
November 1855 Gen. John
E. Wool arrived from California and
assumed control of the United
States side in the conflict,
making his headquarters at Fort
Vancouver. Wool was widely
considered pompous and arrogant and had been
criticized by some for blaming much of the
western conflicts between Natives and whites
on whites. After assessing the situation in
Washington, he decided that Rains' approach
of chasing bands of Yakama around the
territory would lead to an inevitable
defeat. Wool planned to wage a static war by
using the territorial militia to fortify the
major settlements while better trained and
equipped U.S. Army regulars moved-in to
occupy traditional Indian hunting and
fishing grounds, starving the Yakama into
Wool's chagrin, however, Oregon Governor
Curry decided to launch a preemptive and
largely unprovoked attack against the
eastern tribes of the Walla
Walla, Palouse, Umatilla,
and Cayuse who had, up to that point,
remained cautiously neutral in the conflict
(Curry believed it was only a matter of time
before the eastern tribes entered the war
and sought to gain a strategic advantage by
attacking first). Oregon militia, under Lt.
Col. James Kelley, crossed into the Walla
Walla Valley in December,
skirmishing with the tribes and, eventually,
capturing Peomoxmox and several other
chiefs. The eastern tribes were now firmly
involved in the conflict, a state-of-affairs
Wool blamed squarely on Curry. In a letter
to a friend, Wool commented that,[13]
“ |
for the ... barbarous determination of
the Oregonians to extermin[ate] its
Indians, I would soon put an end to
the Indian War. It is these shocking
barbarities that gives us more trouble
than all else and is constantly
increasing the ranks of the hostiles." |
” |
on December 20, Washington Governor Isaac
Stevens had finally made it back to the
territory after a perilous journey that
involved a final, mad dash across the
hostile Walla Walla Valley. Dissatisfied
with Wool's plan to wait until spring before
resuming military operations, and having
learned of the raid on the White River
settlement, Stevens convened the Washington
Legislature where he declared "the war shall
be prosecuted until the last hostile Indian
is exterminated.[14] Stevens
was further perturbed at the lack of a
military escort afforded him during his
dangerous passage through Walla Walla and
went on to denounce Wool for "the criminal
neglect of my safety." Oregon Governor Curry
joined his Washington counterpart in
demanding Wool's dismissal. (The matter came
to a head in the fall of 1856 and Wool was
reassigned by the Army to command of the
Eastern Department.)
Battle of
evacuate to the town blockhouse as USS Decatur opens
fire on advancing tribal forces.
article: Battle of Seattle (1856)
In late
January 1856, Stevens arrived in Seattle
aboard the USCS
Active to reassure citizens of
the town. Stevens confidently declared that,
"I believe that New
York and San
Francisco will as soon be
attacked by the Indians as the town of
Seattle." Even as Stevens was speaking,
however, a 6,000-man tribal army was moving
on the unsuspecting settlement. As the
governor's ship was sailing from the harbor
- carrying Stevens back to Olympia - members
of some of the Puget Sound's neutral tribes
began streaming into Seattle requesting
sanctuary from a large Yakama war party that
had just crossed Lake
Washington. The threat was
confirmed with the arrival of Princess
Angeline who brought news from
her father, Chief
Seattle, that an attack was
imminent. Doc
Maynard began the evacuation
of women and children from the neutral
Duwamish, by boat, to the west side of Puget
Sound while a group of citizen volunteers,
led by the marine
detachment of the
nearby-anchored USS Decatur,
started construction on a blockhouse.[15]
On the
evening of January 24, 1856, two scouts from
the massing tribal forces, dressed in
disguise and talking their way past American
sentries, covertly entered Seattle on a
reconnaissance mission (some believe one of
these scouts may have been Leschi himself).[16]
after sunrise on January 25, 1856, American
lookouts spotted a large group of Indians
approaching the settlement under cover of
trees. The USS Decatur began
firing into the woods, prompting townspeople
to evacuate to the blockhouse. Tribal forces
- by some accounts composed of Yakama, Walla
Walla, Klickitat and Puyallup -
returned fire with small arms and began a
fast advance on the settlement. Faced with
unrelenting fire from Decatur's guns,
however, the attackers were forced to
withdraw and regroup, after which a decision
was made to abandon the assault. Two
Americans were killed in the fighting and 28
Natives lost their lives.[16]
With a
view to block the passes across the Cascade
Mountains and prevent further Yakama
movements against western
Washington, a small redoubt was
established at Snoqualmie
Pass in February 1856. Fort
Tilton became operational in March 1856,
consisting of a blockhouse and several
storehouses. The fort was manned by a small
contingent of Volunteers supported by a
100-man force of Snoqualmie warriors,
fulfillment of an agreement made by the
powerful Snoqualmie chief Patkanim with the
government the previous November.
chief Patkanim led a raid on Leschi's
camp in winter of 1855 - 56, but the
elusive Nisqually chief avoided capture.
Leschi, having successfully repelled and
evaded the previous American attempts to
defeat his forces along the White River, now
faced a third wave of attack. As
construction on Fort Tilton got underway,
Patkanim - brevetted to the rank of captain
in the Volunteers - set out at the head of a
force of 55 Snoqualmie and Snohomish
warriors intent on capturing Leschi. Their
mission was triumphantly announced by a
headline in Olympia's Pioneer and
Democrat "Pat Kanim in the Field!"
tracked Leschi to his camp along the White
River, but a planned night raid was aborted
after a barking dog alerted sentries.
Instead, Patkanim approached to within
speaking distance of Leschi's camp,
announcing to the Nisqually chief, "I will
have your head." Early the next morning
Patkanim began his assault, the bloody fight
reportedly lasting ten hours, ending only
after the Snoqualmie ran out of ammunition. Edmond Meany would
later write that Patkanim returned with
"gruesome evidences of his battles in the
form of heads taken from the bodies of slain
hostile Indians." Leschi's, however, was not
among them.
law declared
spring of 1856, Stevens began to suspect
that some settlers in Pierce County, who had
married into area tribes, were secretly
conspiring with their Native American
in-laws against the territorial government.[17] Stevens'
distrust of the Pierce County settlers may
have been heightened by the strong Whig
Party sentiment in the county
and opposition to Democratic policies.
Stevens ordered the suspect farmers arrested
and held at Camp Montgomery. When Judge
Edward Lander ordered their release, Stevens
declared martial law in
Pierce and Thurston counties. On May 12
Lander ruled that Stevens was in contempt
of court. Marshals sent to Olympia
to detain the governor were ejected from the
capitol and Stevens ordered Judge Lander's
arrest by militia.[18]
of Lander's detention, Francis
A. Chenoweth, the chief justice of
the territorial supreme court, left Whidbey
Island - where he was
recuperating from illness - and traveled
by canoe to Pierce
County. Arriving in Steilacoom, Chenoweth
reconvened the court and prepared to again
issue writs of habeas
corpus ordering the release of
the settlers. Learning of Chenoweth's
arrival in Pierce County, Stevens sent a
company of militia to stop the chief
justice, but the troops were met by
the Pierce
County Sheriff whom Chenoweth
had ordered to raise a posse to
defend the court. The impasse was finally
resolved after Stevens agreed to back down
and release the farmers.[18]
subsequently pardoned himself of contempt,
but the United States Senate called
for his removal over the incident and he was
censured by the Secretary
of State of the United States who
wrote to him that "... your conduct, in that
respect, does not therefore meet with the
favorable regard of the President."[18][19]
Cascades Massacre
Cascades Massacre on March 26, 1856 was the
name given to an attack by a coalition of
tribes against white soldiers and settlers
in the Cascades Rapids.
American officers had learned that they
could starve the Indians and deny them an
economic foundation by controlling this
vital fishing location. The native attackers
included warriors from the Yakama, Klickitat,
and Cascades tribes (today
identified as belonging to Wasco
tribes: Cascades Indians /
Watlala or Hood River Wasco).
Fourteen settlers and three US soldiers died
in the attack, the most losses for US
citizens during the Yakima War. The United
States sent reinforcements the following day
to defend against further attacks. The
Yakama people fled, but nine Cascades
Indians who surrendered without a fight,
including Chenoweth, Chief of the Hood River
Band, were improperly charged and executed
for treason.[20]
Sound War
The U.S.
Army arrived in the region in the summer of
1856. That August Robert
S. Garnett supervised the
construction of Fort
Simcoe as a military post.
Initially the conflict was limited to the
Yakama, but eventually the Walla Walla and
Cayuse were drawn into the war, and carried
out a number of raids and battles against
the American invaders.Perhaps the best known
of these raids culminated in the Battle
of Seattle, in which an unknown
number of raiders briefly crossed the
Cascade Range to engage settlers, Marines
and the U.S. Navy before retiring.
d'Alene War
The last
phase of the conflict, sometimes referred to
as the Coeur d'Alene War,
occurred in 1858. General Newman
S. Clarke commanded the Department
of the Pacific and sent a
force under Col. George
Wright to deal with the recent
fighting. At the Battle
of Four Lakes near Spokane,
Washington in September 1858,
Wright inflicted a decisive defeat on the
Native Americans. He called a council of all
the local Native Americans at Latah Creek
(southwest of Spokane). On September 23 he
imposed a peace treaty, under which most of
the tribes were to go to reservations.
As the
war wound to a close, Kamiakin fled
north to British Columbia.
Leschi was twice tried for murder by the
territorial government (his first trial
resulted in a hung
jury), convicted the second time,
and then hanged outside Fort Steilacoom, the
U.S. Army having refused to allow his
execution to occur on Army property as
military commanders considered him a lawful
combatant. (In 2004 a Historical
Court, convened by the State of Washington,
conceded the Army's opinion and posthumously
acquitted Leschi of murder.)
review in 2006
Army indian scouts tracked and captured
Andrew Bolon's murderers who were
subsequently hanged.
warriors were sent to hunt-down remnant
hostile forces, with the territorial
government agreeing to pay a bounty on
scalps, however, the practice was quickly
terminated by orders of the territorial
auditor after questions arose as to whether
the Snoqualmie were actually engaging
remnant hostiles, or executing their own
Yakama people were forced onto a reservation
south of the present city of Yakima.
Monument base
reconstructed September 2017
First constructed by the Washington
State Historical Society in 1924.