Speech before Parliment - Sir Robert Peel
if any thing could have induced me to regret
that decision on the part of the House which
terminates the existence
of the government it would have been the
wish that we should survive the
day when intelligence might be received from
the United States as to the
result of our last attempt to adjust the
differences with that country differences
which unless speedily terminated must
probably involve both countries in
the necessity of an appeal to arms The House
will probably recollect that after we had
offered to leave the dispute respecting the
territory of the Oregon to arbitration and
that offer had been rejected the President
of the United States sent a message to the
Congress which led to discussions with
regard to the termination of the convention
entered into several years since which
provided for a temporary adjustment of our
differences at least for a temporary
avoidance of quarrel and enabled the two
countries jointly to occupy the territory of
the Oregon The two Houses of the American
Congress advised the President of the United
States to exercise his unquestionable power
and to signify to this country the desire of
the United States to terminate after the
lapse of a year the existing convention They
however added to that advice which might
perhaps otherwise have been considered of an
unsatisfactory or hostile character the
declaration that they desired the notice for
the termination of the convention to be
given in order that an amicable adjustment
of the dispute between the two countries
might thereby be facilitated It appeared
to us that the addition of that conciliatory
declaration the expression of
a hope that the termination of the
convention might the more strongly impress
upon the two countries the necessity of
amicable adjustment removed any barrier
which diplomatic punctilios might have
raised to a renewal by this country
of the attempt to settle our differences
with the United States We did not
hesitate therefore within two days after the
receipt ofthat intelligence we
did not hesitate although the offer of
arbitration made by us had been rejected
to do that which in the present state of the
protracted dispute it became
essential to do namely not to propose
renewed and lengthened negotiations but to
specify frankly and without reserve what
were the terms on which we could consent to
a partition of the country of the Oregon.
Sir, the
President of the United States met us in a
corresponding spirit Whatever
might have been the expressions heretofore
used by him however strongly he
might have been personally committed to the
adoption of a different course
he most wisely and patriotically determined
at once to refer our proposals
to the senate that authority of the United
States whose consent is requisite
for the conclusion of any negotiation of
this kind and the senate acting
also in the same pacific spirit has I have
the heartfelt satisfaction to
state at once advised acquiescence in the
terms we offered From the importance
of the subject and considering that this is
the last day I shall have to
address the House as a minister of the Crown
I may perhaps be allowed to
state what are the proposals we made to the
United States for the final settlement
of the Oregon question In order to prevent
the necessity for renewed diplomatic
negotiations wo prepared and sent out the
form of a convention which we trusted
the United States would accept The first
article of that convention was to
this effect that From the point on the 49th
parallel of north latitude where
the boundary laid down in existing treaties
and conventions between Great
Britain and the United States terminates the
line of boundary between the
territories of her Britannic Majesty and
those of the United States shall
be continued westward along the said 49th
parallel of north latitude to the
middle of the channel which separates the
continent from Vancouver's Island
and thence southerly through the middle of
the said channel and of Fuca's
Straits to the Pacific Ocean provided
however that the navigation of the
said channel and straits south of the 49th
parallel of north latitude remain
free and open to both parties.
Those who remember the
local conformation
of that country will understand that that
which we proposed is the continuation
of the 49th parallel of latitude till it
strikes the Straits of Fuca that
that parallel should not be continued as a
boundary across Vancouver's Island
thus depriving us of a part of Vancouver's
Island but that the middle of
the channel shall be the future boundary
thus leaving us in possession of
the whole of Vancouver's Island with equal
right to the navigation of the
Straits. Sir the second article of the
convention we sent for the acceptance
of the United States was to this effect that
From the point at which the
49th parallel of north latitude shall be
found to intersect the great northern
branch of the Columbia river the navigation
of the said branch shall be free
and open to the Hudson's Bay Company and to
all British subjects trading
with the same to the point where the said
branch meets t he main stream of
the Columbia and thence down the said main
stream to the ocean with free
access into and through the said river or
rivers it being understood that
all the usual portages along the line thus
described shall in like manner
be free and open In navigating the said
river or rivers British subjects
with their goods and produce shall be
treated on the same footing as citizens
of the United States it being however always
understood that nothing in this
article shall be construed as preventing or
intended to prevent the government
of the United States from making any
regulations respecting the navigation
of the said river or rivers not inconsistent
with the present treaty
Sir I will not occupy
the attention
of the House with the mere details of this
convention I have read the important
articles On this very day on my return from
my mission to her Majesty to
offer the resignation of her Majesty's
servants I had the satisfaction of
finding an official letter from Mr Pakenham
intimating in the following terms
the acceptance of our proposals and giving
an assurance of the immediate
termination of our differences with the
United States:-
WASHINGTON June 13, 1846
My Lord - In conformity with what I had the
honour to state in my despatch No 68 of the
7th instant the President sent a message on
Wednesday last to the senate submitting for
the opinion of that body the draught of a
convention for the settlement of the Oregon
question which I was instructed by your
despatch No 19 of the 18th of May to propose
for the acceptance of the United
After a few hours deliberation on each of
the three days Wednesday Thursday and Friday
the senate by a majority of 38 votes to 12
adopted yesterday evening a resolution
advising the President to accept the terms
proposed by her Majesty's government The
President did not hesitate to act on this
advice and Mr Buchanan accordingly sent for
me this morning and informed me that the
conditions offered
by her Majesty's government were accepted by
the government of the United
States without the addition or alteration of
a single word I have the honour
to be, &c
R. Pakenhamm
The Right Hon the Earl of Aberdeen KT &c
Thus Sir the governments of two great
nations impelled I believe by the
public opinion of each country in favour of
peace by that opinion which ought
to guide and influence statesmen have by
moderation by mutual compromise
averted the dreadful calamity of a war
between two nations of kindred origin
and common language the breaking out of
which might have involved the civilized
world in general conflict A single year
perhaps a single month of such a war
would have been more costly than the value
of the whole territory that was
the object of dispute But this evil has been
averted consistently with perfect
honour on the part of the American
government and on the part of those who
have at length closed I trust every cause of
dissention between the two countries
Sir I may add to the credit of the
government of this country that so far from
being influenced in our views in regard to
the policy of terminating these disputes
about the Oregon by the breaking out of the
war between the United States and with
Mexico we distinctly intimated to Mr
Pakenham that although that event had
occurred it did not affect in the slightest
degree our desire for peace Mr Pakenham
knowing the real wishes and views of bis
government having a discretionary power in
certain cases to withhold the proposals
we had instructed him to make wisely thought
the occurrence of Mexican hostilities
with the United States was not one of the
cases which would justify the exercise
of that discretionary power and therefore
most wisely did he tender this
offer of peace to the United States on the
impulse of his own conviction
and in full confidence in the pacific policy
of his own government Let me
add also and I am sure this House will think
it to the credit of my noble
friend that on the occurrence of these
hostilities between Mexico and the
United State before we were aware of the
reception which the offer on our
part in respect to the Oregon would meet
with the first packet that sailed
tendered to the United States the offer of
our good offices for the purpose
of mediation between them and the Mexican
government Sir I do cordially rejoice
that in surrendering power at the feet of a
majority of this House I have
the opportunity of giving them the official
assurance that every cause of
quarrel with that great country on the other
side of the Atlantic is amicably
Sir I have now executed the task which
my public duty imposed upon me I trust I
have said nothing which can lead to the
revival on the present occasion of those
controversies which I have deprecated
whatever opinions may be held with regard to
the extent of the danger with which we were
threatened from the failure in one great
article of subsistence I can say with truth
that her Majesty's government in proposing
those measures of commercial policy which
have disentitled them to the confidence of
many who heretofore gave them their support
were influenced by no other motive than the
desire to consult
the interests of this country. Our object
was to avert dangers whieh we thought
were imminent and to terminate a conflict
which according to our belief would
soon place in hostile collision great and
powerful classes in this country.
The maintenance of power was not a motive
for the proposal of these measures
for as I said before I had not a doubt that
whether these measures were accompanied
by failure or success the certain issue must
be the termination of the existence
of this government It is perhaps
advantageous for the public interests that
such should be the issue I admit that the
withdrawal of confidence from us
by many of our friends was a natural result.
When proposals are made apparently
at variance with the course which ministers
heretofore pursued and subjecting
them to the charge of inconsistency it is
perhaps advantageous for this country
and for the general character of public men
that the proposal of measures
of that kind under such circumstances should
entail that which is supposed
to be the fitting punishment namely
expulsion from office I therefore do
not complain of that expulsion I am sure it
is far preferable to the continuance
in office without a full assurance of the
eonfidence of this House I said
before and I said truly that in proposing
our measures of commercial policy
I had no wish to rob others of the credit
justly due to them. I must
say with reference to hon gentlemen opposite
as I say with reference to ourselves
that neither of us is the party which is
justly entitled to the credit of
them. There has been a combination of
parties generally opposed to
each other and that combination and the
influence of government have led
to their ultimate success but the name which
ought to he associated with
the success of those measures is not the
name of the noble lord the organ
of the party of which he is the leader nor
is it mine. The name which ought
to be and will be associated with the
success of those measures is the name
of one who acting I believe from pure and
disinterested motives has with
untiring energy made appeals to our reason
and has enforced those appeals
with an eloquence the more to be admired
because it was unaffected and unadorned:
the name which ought to be chiefly
associated with the success of those
is the name of Richard Corden.